Saturday, August 31, 2013

Gastrolith Grahams

gastrolith, also called a stomach stone or gizzard stones, is a rock held inside a gastrointestinal tract. Gastroliths are retained in the muscular gizzard and used to grind food in animals lacking suitable grinding teeth. (Wikipedia)

Gastroliths Grahams- chewy and yummy, made by me and my buddy, go ahead and grab a bite!

Looks good?

Tastes even better!

After having lunch, on our way to COLFin's Free Seminar on Stock Investment, my Engr. friend/HS buddy handed out a plastic with small rounded goodies. I grabbed one and definitely liked it. I am fond of sweet stuff and I told him I'm gonna make my own as well.

I went home, bought ingredients and relied on my taste buds on what were the right ingredients. I bought this and that, mixed until the right consistency. I molded, chilled and served to my favorite customers, my sisters and cousins. They liked it, I loved it. I'll make more...

I came back onsite and together with my Baklad business partner decided to cater our Monthly Meeting. However, changes in the plan resulted to making this rounded goodies. While molding, my friend came up with this unique geological term "Gastrolith". Hands down, it was way too better than my botryoidal or coprolite term hahaha. It was chilled and served next day in the office. Like my sisters, they loved it. They were asking for more.

And that was the start of the "Gastrolith Grahams Era"

We already perfected our 'classic' flavor. We are trying new flavors, new mixture and new coating.
We are also finalizing our product lay out. Better watch out...

winter coating

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